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I just received my Double PadMu, what's next ?
Ultimo aggiornamento 9 mesi fa

Dear customer,

when you receive the double PadMu, please follow these steps :

  1. login to each Padmu separately, you can you just one PadMu account
  2. update the Firmware to the latest version, in case is needed, for each PadMu tablet
  3. update the Software of the PadMu apps to the latest version available, for each PadMu tablet (cfr User Manual chapter in general functions on how to do it)
  4. perform the import files procedure to the PadMu Library as explained in the user manual and do not try to open directly the pdf files from the technical folder in the tablet file manager
  5. read carefully the Double Mode chapter 6 of the manual on how to manage the tablet pairing and the files opening in double mode, and much more

Fell free to contact us at support@padformusician.com or open a ticket at https://www.padformusician.com/en/customer-support

Thank You very much

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