Frequently Asked Question
I see on the website that PadMu products have Hardware based upon Onyx Boox Max series. Which are the main differences between them ?
Last Updated 3 years ago
Yes, you are right, our PadMu Hardware is based upon Onyx Max.
Here are the main differences:
first of all our SW is optimized for fast music page turning and also we have:
- music library management
- import pdf files from Dropbox, Gdrive
- concert list, you can set up list of pieces to perform on stage
- page sequence, you can play pages in the order you prefer also you can play more than once the same page
- double configuration (also in landscape mode, excellent for organists)
- three different modes to turn pages in double configuration
Also you can switch between the two desktops, ONyx and PadMu and choose the one you prefer