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PadMu Reader v5.7
Ultimo aggiornamento 3 anni fa

The new version of PadMu Reader 5.7.0 build 419 improves the scribble and the use of the pen and re-sort the toolbar.

The new toolbar looks like the image on the left.

The pen icon let you enable/disable the scribble feature and the current status is shown with those two icons


pen is enabled

pen is disabled

When you set pen in its enabled status a new small toolbar shall appear in the bottom-right corner


Three icons are available:

  • pen mode: you can jot on the current page. The new jotting feature is sensitive to pressure.
    The more is your pressure on the display, the thicker is the resulting line.

  • eraser mode: you can erase lines and notes on the page.
    Note that you shall use the tip of the pencil to erase.

    If you own the pen included on Max3 and Lumi1 you may use the eraser as described at page 16 of the User Manual.


use the light point to draw

use the rounded point at
the other end of the pen to delete

  • trashcan: act on this icon to completely remove your notes from the current page or both if you are in Double Mode

Some icons from the vertical toolbar are marked with a vertical black line on their right.

The marker means that some sub-menu is available behind those icons.


go-to page, move to first, move to last page


edit page sequence, start/stop toggle of page sequence


export current file in .padmu or .pdf format


rotate the document 90° clockwise, 90° anti-clockwise, stay vertical


zoom and pan the current page

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